Faculty of Horticulture - University of Craiova



Programul de studii Landscape study program prepares specialists in a topical field, due to the great professional prospects they offer. The graduates (landscape engineers) will have knowledge and skills regarding:

  • Design, arrangement and maintenance of green spaces;
  • Computer-aided design of landscape proposals;
  • Restoration of parks and gardens;
  • Production of dendrological and flower seeding material;
  • Floral compositions;
  • Landscape specialist consultancy;
  • Ensure the management and marketing of a business in the field of landscape architecture.

Professional perspectives according to the Romanian Occupation Code :

Landscape design engineer; Enterprise manager for green spaces; Designer for green spaces; Counselor for organizing and systematizing the landscape; Research engineer in plant protection and environmental protection; Specialist teacher in pre-university education (under the law); Horticultural engineer advisor; Expert / Customs inspector; Production engineer; Research engineer in horticulture ecologist engineer.

Study and training opportunities :

Our graduates can deepen and develop specialist knowledge in the MASTER and DOCTORAL modules, resulting in the acquisition of top knowledge and skills in the respective fields.

Thanks to numerous national and international collaboration and partnership relationships, the Faculty of Horticulture offers students and Master students the opportunity to study and practice internships in partner universities in France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Spain, Bulgaria and so on, through the scholarships offered by LLP / ERASMUS, the Francophone Agency, the UNESCO Culture et Tradition du Vin Chair and so on.


Contact us at :

University of Craiova, Faculty of Horticulture Str. A. I. Cuza nr.13, Craiova, România , Dolj, RO-200585. Telephone/Fax: +40 251 41 45 41 E mail: fh_secretariat@yahoo.com



